March 8, 2009

Vitamin D and Respiratory Infections

Did you know that low levels of Vitamin D are associated with an increased risk for respiratory infections, like the flu or common cold? And, that people with respiratory diseases, like asthma and COPD are at an increased risk for this association?

If you have COPD, there is a new COPD clinical trial designed to test the hypothesis that increasing levels of Vitamin D in the body will lead to better COPD outcomes:

How can you increase your levels of Vitamin D in your body? Here are some helpful tips:

  • Eat salmon, with the bones
  • Drink 3 cups of milk daily
  • Get 15 minutes of sunshine each day, or, if you don't live in a sunshine infested state,
  • Take a multivitamin with at least 200 international units of Vitamin D

Do you have some interesting ideas about how to add Vitamin D to your diet? Please be sure to leave a comment!


Anonymous said...

You are right these all are right tips to increase vitamin D..
Burn Fat

Anonymous said...

Very interesting post,
I am a true believer that there is a natural cure for any ailment located somewhere on this planet. Our planet provides a lot of natural cures for disease management and common remedies as well. If we could just get the proper and natural health coaching from our health advocate we would find ourselves much better off. Although it probably wouldn't be good for the economy though at this point

Debbye Jean's Vegan Diner said...

Burn Fat and nurse line, thank you for your comments. I agree, that we certainly don't utilize what God puts on this earth for us. Especially in our fast, Type A personality society. Will have to visit your site. Thanks again for the comments, my blog notification must be turned off, as I did not even know comments were left.

Anonymous said...

What about Prevention?Prevention should be the number one priority when it comes to saving lives, preventing diseases, and preventing death. Our healthcare system needs to focus on prevention instead of disease management . I guess there is no money in preventing diseases.